Monday, March 31, 2008

Coconut Oil and Rock Music

You must be wondering , whether I am out of my senses . What a weird combination .. hehe but I am trying out that . Two things that caught my attention these days . I am quite comfortable listening to 'System of a Down ' with dosas dipped in coconut oil chutney . And I successfully made my non Mallu friend try some coconut oil . Don't know , the life of every sane Mallu ( insane as well ) is linked with Coconut Oil , CPI ( M ) and Fish ..I am adding rock music to that :-)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Adding new melodies

It has been a while since I blogged , not because my life was not eventful , but it was so eventful that I couldn't devote time to compose one .. :-) . Well as the title says , adding new melodies , I added quite some new aspects to my life . A new country ,new roles and a whole new set of friends and new activities to keep me engaged . I couldn't have asked for more . I never thought that I would land up in the so called 'land of opportunities', which was one big surprise , and I was not even sure whether I was dreaming or not when I was pushing the trolley through Dulles International Airport .If it was a dream , then I didn't want to wake up then .
VT threw in a couple of surprises , with my roomies and friends .Got some nice people to hang out with . Started doing all those things which I wanted to do ( don't mistake me here ) . Started living on nights and weekends ( just like the Sprint talk plan nights and weekends ).Now VT has got into my system . Yeah , lets rock , Hokies.Can't think of leaving this place , even though I know that day is not far.And I started visiting new places , Niagara falls to start with ; An awesome place which I had only seen on postcards , then to Florida , to Miami , NYC , DC .
The most amazing part was the New year trip . DC -> NJ ->NYC->Connecticut and back . Spent the new year at Times Square . Well , that was a trip where in me and my roomie did all sorts of things ; we roamed around , got up late , got lost in the subways , missed the bus , got into another one , missed our luggage , went to restaurants which didn't accept our cards , rented a car and got caught by the cops . What a nice end to a trip !!!
This semester had a new set of surprises for me , with me putting on the role of an instructor . Well , do I have to mention that studies have taken a backseat ? Well , now I am in the mad race to get an internship . Lets see what life brings to me ; may be some more melodies .